Statement Against Recent and Historical AAPI Violence
The Robbins House stands in solidarity with the AAPI (Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, and South Asian) community as it mourns the tragic losses of life in Georgia and elsewhere throughout this past year. As an interpretive and historic home that centers and values the lived experiences of people and communities of color, any time that violence is perpetrated against people of color, we all mourn.
Below are a number of resources to learn, support, and advocate for AAPI communities.
Some resources from Poet & Advocate Sonya Renee Taylor:
Mental Health Resources
To hold the media accountable for covering these stories @asianamericancollective
Organizations to Support
Thank you,
Robert Munro, co-President
The Robbins House
Concord’s African American History
320 Monument Street
Concord, MA 01742
Concord’s African American History
320 Monument Street
Concord, MA 01742